Headcare emergency: greasy hair hacks

Jun 26, 2023

Headcare emergency: greasy hair hacks

Have you got an oily or combination scalp?

It can be such a struggle to find a product combination that provides lift, body and bounce without weighing your hair down. Never mind actually getting it clean! Our biggest beauty gripe? GREASY HAIR. With the temperatures set to rise we’re getting a sweaty head just thinking about it. We need some PRO tips for combating greasy hair fast. 

If you're nodding your head we see you. 

The good news is it's a (really) common problem: scalps produce oil and sebum so greasy hair can be inevitable, especially amongst those with finer textures. Often it's the result of skipping wash days, over-washing or exercising, but the weather can also play a part.

The oil in itself isn't bad for the hair - in fact, it makes hair lustrous, healthy and strong, but too much oil can cause a build up that leaves hair looking limp and overly slick.

So, we want the luscious locks without the side of chips - what can be done to help the issue? We’ve gathered together some of our top greasy hair hacks, including the best oil-banishing combo that will see your Headcare struggles be a thing of the past. 

PRO Tip 1: Don’t over wash. 

If your hair is becoming greasier, it can be tempting to increase the amount you wash it. We implore you to try and break that cycle. If you start washing your hair more frequently this stimulates your scalp into over producing sebum (oil) and you end up in a vicious cycle of feeling like you need to wash your hair everyday. 

If you feel like you’ve already fallen into the overwashing trap (it’s easily done), start weaning yourself off. Cutting down your hair-washing sessions overtime is the key. To help you in your transition check out our previous post all about how to extend your style between washes for all the intel. 

PRO Tip 2: Embrace the up-do

Did you know not all greasiness comes from the root? Dirt from your hands can accumulate in the hair whenever you touch it. Gross but true. If you’re a serial hair fiddler putting your hair up, in a loose, messy bun or a braid will help keep it up and away. Our favourite time to do this is on the penultimate day before #hairwashday.

PRO Tip 3: Dry shampoo is your BFF 

We hinted about it when we mentioned our previous blog post but for combating greasy hair between washes, as well as freshening up your style, turn to dry shampoo. We know we’re biased but our absolute Headcare holy-grail has to be THE RESET DRY SHAMPOO. This ultra-fine mist cleanses and refreshes hair faster than an F1 pit crew, crucial when you’re in a Headcare emergency. When added to the roots it directly soaks up any excess oil and when added to the mid lengths and ends it can create volume and texture in yesterday’s style. It’s the ultimate deep-cleansing wonder for when your hair needs a hard reset.  

PRO Tip 4: Invest in a clarifying shampoo for oily or combination scalps. 

If you regularly suffer from greasy hair it can often be down to an oily scalp than oily hair.  Washing your hair with a product carefully created to precisely combat the issue will help to remove an excess build up.  

Introducing the ALL DAY EXTRA range. The perfect pairing to achieve beautifully clarified roots and ultra-volumized hair from the first wash.  

First up is the ALL  DAY EXTRA SHAMPOO (£13). You only need a grape-sized amount of this ultra-lightweight formula to achieve a serious (yet gentle) cleanse. Apply to damp hair and massage in from root to ends using your finger tips. Take your time and enjoy this moment of Headcare. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and follow with…

The ALL DAY EXTRA CONDITIONER (£13). Truly an innovation, the gel-to-cream formulation once again is feather-light (we were serious about not weighing you down). It gives the hair maximum bounce and is infused with our hydrating hero: Baobab Oil, to provide three dimensional shine and moisture. 

ARKIVE application tip: work a grape-sized amount of product into your hands before applying to the hair to ensure even distribution. 

When you're working it through the hair, start with the mid-lengths and ends (where your hair is at its most thirsty) and work upwards ensuring that the roots are the last place you apply.  Leave for 2 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water to lock in the shine.  

There you have it! Our top four greasy Headcare hair hacks. What are your must-reach-for solutions for when you’re having a greasy hair day? Let us know in the comments. 

Until next time -